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- === Version Information ===
- This file was last updated for Psiband 1.3.0.
- Make sure to read the newsgroup ("rec.games.roguelike.angband"), and to visit
- the Official Angband Home Page ("http://thangorodrim.angband.org") for the
- most up to date information about Angband.
- Angband has an incredibly complex history, and is the result of a lot of
- work by a lot of people, all of whom have contributed their time and energy
- for free, being rewarded only by the pleasure of keeping alive one of the
- best freeware games available anywhere.
- Psiband 1.3.0 is a variant of Angband: specifically, one which incorporates
- the AD&D concept of psionics. Psionics were an optional addition to AD&D 1st
- Edition: having been removed originally in the 2nd Edition, they were later
- reinstated in the form we know today, with a separate Psionicist class with
- six major discplines to choose between. It was this form that Aram Harrow
- first tried to merge with standard Angband.
- Early attempts were somewhat buggy (as always), and the game suffered from
- a lack of playtesting: in particular, when psionic monsters were introduced
- in Psiband 1.0.6, nobody thought to test out how non-psionicists would fare
- against monster psionics. An attempt to merge the variant with another
- variant, ZAngband, failed: the fact that ZAngband already had a serviceable
- "Mindcrafter" class which ran on somewhat different principles but was
- essentially psychic in nature meant that people carried on simply playing
- Mindcrafters. Nevertheless, there were many good ideas for features and
- gameplay that were worth saving for future versions.
- Psiband 1.0.7 fixed some of the worst bugs with Psiband 1.0.6, and at least
- made the game playable with non-psionicists against monster psionics. It was
- shortly after this point that I (Jonathan Ellis) became interested in the
- variant, and started playing it. This was also about the time I became
- interested in hacking the info.txt files of standard Angband, so naturally
- I applied some of the results to Psiband as well. The result was the expanded
- list of psionic monsters, including Master Psionicists, Master Illithids, and
- Ilsenine, the Illithid God-Brain: and the first Psiband winner was posted -
- "Tar-Palantir the Wise", now immortalised in the game, just as is "Fundin
- Bluecloak", the name of the first recorded Angband winner many years ago, or
- "Evil Iggy" in Moria. A further bugfix version, called "1.0.7b", fixed
- three of the outstanding bugs - making monster AI optional rather than
- compulsory, and finally got Metapsionics working as it should do, and making
- Mind Wrack work properly for both player and monsters.
- At this point, Aram Harrow found his time taken up much more with Real Life
- (TM) and was unable to devote much of his time to Psiband, so agreed to look
- for a new maintainer. I volunteered to take care of the info.txt and help
- files myself, and the place of chief coder was taken by Matthias Kurzke:
- this was shortly after the release of Angband 2.9.0, followed by Matthias's
- own ego-item patch which made ego-items more customizable. The original idea
- was to produce the first variant with 2.9.0 code and this ego-item patch as
- a base. However, that went by the wayside when the patch in question was
- adopted into vanilla itself, for 2.9.1, and then it was revealed that the
- code cleanup and update to 2.9.1 standards would take a lot longer than
- previously thought...
- Since then, a lot of discussion has taken place. Code has been re-written.
- Bugs have been fixed, re-created, fixed again, until everyone is sick of it.
- Two of the features formerly present in the game (Shadowform and Domination)
- have been removed, but others added. Info.txt files have been tweaked and
- had new creatures, items, artifacts and vaults added. And if somebody asks
- who was responsible for a particularly nice idea, nobody's sure any more:
- technically he's the coder and I'm the textfile person, but some of the ideas
- that have had to be hard-coded were mine in concept, and some of the new
- artifacts (particularly), monsters and items were Matthias's in design, as
- were most of the new artifact activations... Technically, the new version
- should be called Psiband 1.1.0, but as that would lead to confusion with
- the Psiband/ZAngband "PZiband" hybrid which is version 1.1.0, we've decided
- to bump the version number up to 1.2.0 instead.
- Psiband 1.3.0 brings the codebase up to vanilla 2.9.2. It fixes some bugs that
- the cleanup introduced, and allows Rogues to set traps for monsters using a
- rather complex system of "trapping kits". Probably it also brings lots of new
- bugs that everyone is welcome to report...
- === Previous Versions (outdated) ===
- VMS Moria Version 4.8
- Version 0.1 : 03/25/83
- Version 1.0 : 05/01/84
- Version 2.0 : 07/10/84
- Version 3.0 : 11/20/84
- Version 4.0 : 01/20/85
- Modules :
- V1.0 Dungeon Generator - RAK
- Character Generator - RAK & JWT
- Moria Module - RAK
- Miscellaneous - RAK & JWT
- V2.0 Town Level & Misc - RAK
- V3.0 Internal Help & Misc - RAK
- V4.0 Source Release Version - RAK
- Robert Alan Koeneke Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.
- Student/University of Oklahoma Student/University of Oklahoma
- UMoria Version 5.2 (formerly UNIX Moria)
- Version 4.83 : 5/14/87
- Version 4.85 : 10/26/87
- Version 4.87 : 5/27/88
- Version 5.0 : 11/2/89
- Version 5.2 : 5/9/90
- James E. Wilson, U.C. Berkeley
- wilson@ernie.Berkeley.EDU
- ...!ucbvax!ucbernie!wilson
- Other contributors:
- D. G. Kneller - MSDOS Moria port
- Christopher J. Stuart - recall, options, inventory, and running code
- Curtis McCauley - Macintosh Moria port
- Stephen A. Jacobs - Atari ST Moria port
- William Setzer - object naming code
- David J. Grabiner - numerous bug reports, and consistency checking
- Dan Bernstein - UNIX hangup signal fix, many bug fixes
- and many others...
- Moria/UMoria Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
- This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
- not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
- included in all such copies.
- Umoria Version 5.2, patch level 1
- Angband Version 2.0 Alex Cutler, Andy Astrand, Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill,
- Charles Teague.
- Angband Version 2.4 : 05/09/93
- Angband Version 2.5.0-2.6.2 : 1993-94 Charles Swiger
- Angband Version 2.7.0-2.8.5 : 1995-99 Ben Harrison
- Angband Version 2.9.0-2.9.2 : 2000-01 Robert Ruehlmann
- Angband Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
- This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
- and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
- are included in all such copies. Other copyrights may also apply.
- Psiband Version 1.0.0-1.0.7b : 1996-1999 Aram Harrow
- Psiband Version 1.2.0-1.3.0 : 2001, by Matthias Kurzke and Jonathan Ellis.
- All changes made by Ben Harrison and Robert Ruehlmann to Angband are also
- available under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Note that this doesn't
- influence the current distribution, since parts of the source are still
- only available under the old Moria/Angband license. Until all parts of
- Angband are distributed under the GPL the only valid license remains
- the original Moria/Angband license.
- All changes made by Aram Harrow, Jonathan Ellis and Matthias Kurzke,
- whether in design or in execution, are also under the GNU GPL.
- === Contributors (incomplete and in no order at all) ===
- Peter Berger, "Prfnoff", Arcum Dagsson, Ed Cogburn, Matthias Kurzke,
- Ben Harrison, Steven Fuerst, Julian Lighton, Andrew Hill, Werner Baer,
- Tom Morton, "Cyric the Mad", Chris Kern, Tim Baker, Jurriaan Kalkman,
- Alexander Wilkins, Mauro Scarpa, John I'anson-Holton, "facade", Aram Harrow,
- Dennis van Es, Kenneth A. Strom, Wei-Hwa Huang, Nikodemus, Timo PietilE,
- Greg Wooledge, Keldon Jones, Shayne Steele, Dr. Andrew White, Musus Umbra,
- Jonathan Ellis.